Extended Stay Hotel has been a popular choice for travelers who need an adequate lodging for an affordable price. Whether for a long-week vacation, business trip, corporate travel, people in process of buying or renovating their house and relocation, extended stay hotel remains the best choice for long term hotel stay. Generally, you can enjoy a fully furnished studio-style unit that cost less, than a regular hotel room. If you finally decided to pick a long stay hotel, it’s necessary to check out the amenities and services the hotel offers to ensure that you got everything you need to make your hotel living comfortable and relaxed
You can find several long term hotels in the internet and each have different features and amenities. There are sites who offer hotel review and ratings; they could give you ideas of what you could expect from your prospect hotel. You can also go directly to hotel’s website to see more information and even have a virtual tour. Check out the hotel’s room types and services– one, two-bedroom suites, access with wireless internet connection, do they offer complimentary housekeeping and laundry services, with fitness centers, spa or pool, unlimited phone privileges, depending on the amenities, extended stay hotel has price range variations.
Once you have a prospect hotel on your mind, know the exact location and find out whether the location suits your preference. However, most of extended stay hotels are situated throughout a towns and cities. Therefore, you can have easy access to various business establishments and attractions. It is ideal for people who mainly have business agendas and need to go on the road to attend meetings and conferences around the town..
We all want to have a comfortable place to spend our days while we are away from home. Clean, that’s the first thing we like to have in a room where we will spend our days with. So before you settle things out, check your room first and see if it passes your standard. Don’t make any final decision until you have seen your actual room. In case you have a pet and you need to take it with you. Be sure to check the hotel’s policy about animal pets. Some charge additional fees for pets and only allows one pet per guest room.
A complimentary meal might be included with your chosen hotel deal. On your first few days of stay, you might enjoy the convenience of readily prepared meal from the hotel or food served from restaurants. But as weeks pass, there’s a great chance that you will crave for home made food. Need not to worry because long stay hotel offers the convenience of cooking your own meal thanks to the fully equipped kitchen found on every room. This is one of the main advantages of long stay hotel from the typical ones. You just need to check for cooking wares and dishes availability. In that way, you can practice your cooking skills and enjoy home made food.
Lastly, evaluate the hotel staff personally. Are they friendly, kind and accommodating? The last thing you want to do on your hotel stay is deal with rude and unprofessional hotel staff. Therefore, seek some reviews online or offline about the staff’s attitude towards guests.