Vitamin P Or Bioflavonoids – Are These Phytochemicals Essential For Good Health?

Vitamin P is a water soluble vitamin that possesses a crystalline structure and also contains several characteristics of a Bioflavonoid. The main function of this vitamin is to ensure that the blood vessels remain healthy. It does so by building up the resistance of the capillaries against excessive bleeding. Thus, it helps to keep the blood vessel system protected against disease and infection.

Bioflavonoids are also known for their antioxidant properties. They play an important role in neutralizing the effects of free radicals which cause extensive cell damage. Free radicals damage cells in much the same way as rust damages a car. These harmful atoms are capable of destroying cells so that the body becomes more susceptible to various diseases, heart ailments and other adverse conditions including premature aging. The presence of bioflavonoids in the body fight against the free radicals and protect the body against various diseases and premature aging.

Bioflavonoids are also known for their anti- inflammatory properties. Sometimes, consuming bioflavonoids can helps wounds heal faster and benefit the bruised muscles and joints.

Vitamin P can also help in lowering blood pressure because of the calming effect it has on the cardiovascular system. Scientific studies are also being conducted to prove if Vitamin P has an impact on the bleeding in the retina, nose or hemorrhoids (an ailment common among people who suffer from hypertension or diabetes). Research is also being conducted to prove if this vitamin can actually help reduce the growth of tumors.

Brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as oranges, mangoes, apricots, cherries, plums, onions, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots are excellent sources of Vitamin P since Bioflavonoids are plant-based. Most people are unaware that a major part of the bioflavonoid value actually comes from the rind.

Medical professionals also consider red wine to be a good source of Vitamin P and recommend drinking a glass with dinner. Other sources that include bioflavonoids include buckwheat, green tea, ginko, rose hip and milk thistle.

Although there isn’t any recommended daily dose of Vitamin P, most nutritionists advice eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Consuming fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored will automatically give them adequate amounts of Vitamin P, especially if they supplement it with a cup of green tea for lunch and a glass of red wine for dinner. Therefore, it is important to get the required portions of fruits and vegetables everyday to be healthy.

One advantage about Vitamin P is that there are no risks associated with a deficiency of this vitamin or any adverse effects if one consumes excess amounts either.

Tired of reading outdated fitness and health articles on the web? Well, wait no longer, check out for up-to-date information on sources of bioflavonoids and vitamin b2 deficiency .

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