Vitamin D: The Many Natural Health Wonders

I will hazard a guess and say that quite a few doctors don’t realize just how beneficial vitamin D is in the role of both health and healing.

Cancer prevention

Vitamin D, when it comes to stopping cancer, has produced some amazing results as shown in careful studies.

For example, a study was conducted in Creighton, Nebraska and put out in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in June 2007. It showed that over a 3 year period taking some 1179 women old enough to be beyond the menopause from Nebraska had reduced their risk of cancer by a whopping great 60 plus percent! They received vitamin D in the form of regular 10-15 minute daily doses of sunlight (vitamin D3).

Professor Lappe conducting the experiment said it was “the greatest tool in fighting cancer and many other diseases.”

Diabetes prevention and much more…

A gathering number of studies are confirming that high levels of vitamin D in the body show less risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, while the chances of metabolic syndrome is also reduced.

Anti-inflammatory agent

Research has shown that specific molecular signalling events involving vitamin D inhibits inflammation…

Bone fragility prevention

Elderly people would be well advised to get their vitamin D levels checked involving a simple test using ‘blood spot’ technology since this nutrient has the ability to greatly reduce bone fragility. Indeed the vitamin D test would be useful to monitor levels as a precaution for all illness prevention…

Protection against multiple sclerosis

The vitamin D council not only endorses the above findings regarding vitamin D and your health but also has research to show that regular and fair daily doses of sunlight prevents multiple sclerosis. This is a condition whereby the body’s own defence against disease (immune system) attacks itself, particularly, brain and spinal cord nerves. The result for the sufferer is a range of debilitating conditions like the inability to talk or walk or swallow…

Protection against kidney failure

Kidney failure has been linked to vitamin D deficiency as discovered by the National Kidney Foundation…

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder common in the elderly where movement disorders, tremors and reflexes are lost… This lack of motor function is due to nerve degeneration… Those with Parkinson’s disease are known to be vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D has been used and has good therapeutic value.

Overall, Vitamin D and its natural health wonders have not got the credit it deserves. I suspect that it will take years after much heel dragging before the medical establishment recognise its true potential. I strongly recommend getting around 15-20 minutes sunlight a day but if at times this is impractical then try supplements. Around 3000-5000 I.U’s is the recommended vitamin D3 levels needed per day…

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