The Truth Behind Fish Oil Dietary Supplement

There is much hype nowadays about fish oil dietary supplement. They can be bought for an average of 30 dollars a bottle – but is it really worth all that? As the name suggests, fish oil is taken from, well, fish. People can obtain fish oil by eating fish, especially oily fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna; they are called oily fish because they have more oil than other fish.

Anyway, some fish we eat to get the fish oil we need may sometimes be contaminated with pollutants. Because of the amount of pesticides and mercury found in most lakes and rivers, eating fish in a large quantity to gain needed amount of fish oil may be dangerous. Preferred method of receiving the required fish oil we need for omega-3 boost is through safe and highly formulated dietary supplement made from fish-oil. Omega-3 promotes healthy hearts, and is very instrumental in lowering cholesterol levels.

Indeed: there are some benefits of fish oil supplements; having the much exalted omega-3 fatty acid is good for you, especially the properly formulated supplements capsules. Though fish oil is said to lower triglyceride which is associated with the build-up of fatty material in the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke, there is some disagreement among scientists that it is actually true.

There are also some studies which claims that it can even benefit cancer patients because according to their studies, it can inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells, such as colon, breast and prostate cancers; it can also improve the efficacy of chemotherapy and can help retain muscle mass. Taken as dietary supplement, it is purported to improve vision, memory and concentration, and combat inflammation from ailments such as neck pain and rheumatoid arthritis.

Nonetheless, there is still some disagreement concerning some of the research findings; as some consumers are being advised to be cautious as the number of so called natural supplements has saturated the market. Even though there are some good and powerful herbal remedies and supplements on the market, just buying them from any source are not advisable as the danger of getting sucked into something that is unreal can outweigh the anticipated benefits of taking the supplements in the first place. The subject of many debate regarding fish oil supplements has been, and probably will continue to be about the efficacy of its two types of fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two fatty acids of debate which centers on their efficacy in cardiovascular diseases and whether they actually work or not.

As a whole, the situation regarding Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic fatty acids are still subject of debate and controversy; which may lead some people who want to use these supplements to confusion. Another obvious concern that people have regarding fish oil supplements is whether it is safe for everybody who wants to consume it, and whether overdose could be avoided, knowing that taking the supplement in excess can be dangerous. The last point, and what most people are often more concerned about is whether the purported benefit of fish oil dietary supplement as being good for one’s health is still a viable argument knowing that experts seem to disagree.

Get more info about fish oil nutrition . Or check-out Ben Paul’s related site where you can find out all about cod liver oil and what it can do for you.

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