Who Needs Vitamin B?

Vitamin B is a critically important vitamin to many of the functions of the body. Among other things, vitamin B is needed for producing red blood cells, healthy neurological functioning and the synthesis of DNA.

The B complex vitamins are actually a set of 8 different vitamins rather than one compound like vitamin C or vitamin D. Made up of vitamin B1 through vitamin B12, the B complex is responsible for the proper functioning of a variety of critical processes in the body.

Vitamins can be classified as either water soluble or fat soluble. Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fat and then travel through the bloodstream. If there is any that isn’t needed, the excess gets stored in the liver.

Since vitamins like B and C are dissolved in water, there isn’t any storage in the body to fall back on. Whatever isn’t used is expelled through the urine. Without any stores to rely on, it’s very important to get a regular supply of vitamin B in the diet or through supplements.

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B in the diet some serious health problems can occur. Third world countries report high incidences of anemia and beriberi because of insufficient vitamin B in the diet. Since vitamin B12 isn’t found in animal based foods, people who are on a vegan diet must be sure to supplement their diet to stay healthy and avoid problems.

Vitamin B can easily be destroyed by cooking and processing. Many foods like white rice and white flour have a large portion of the vitamins removed by processing and must be enriched to replace them. Avoiding the “white” foods like rice and bread is one way make sure you’re getting a variety of vitamins and minerals.

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