Important Reasons To Get Enough Vitamin B6

Vitamins are nutrients derived from plants and animals. There are two main categories. Sufficient intake of each is vital for optimum health. They are essential for normal growth, development, and function of the body. One category is water soluble. The body cannot store them. They are excreted in the urine. Therefore, they should be consumed on a daily basis. These are the b group and c. The topic of this discussion is the important reasons to get enough vitamin b6. Another name for it is pyridoxine.

The fat soluble vitamins are a, d, e, and k. The body stores them in the liver and fatty tissue. Adequate levels are not dependent on daily consumption.

Many body systems require pyridoxine. The nervous system, eyesight, and cardiovascular system need it. The circulatory system needs it to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The circulatory system depends on it for red blood cell production. It also aids the hemoglobin transport of oxygen to body cells. It aids in the production of antibodies to prevent infection. This makes it vital to the immune system. The endocrine system uses it to help stabilize glucose levels. Its presence decreases homocysteine levels. This reduces the risk for heart attack and stroke.

Foods sources are grains, some vegetables and fruits. Beans, meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, potatoes, and nuts are other sources. Eating of these food groups daily helps ensure adequate levels.

Deficiency may result from poor nutrition. Excessive diarrhea may also lead to deficit. Other causes are smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking certain medicines. Diseases of the thyroid, liver, and heart are still other reasons deficiency may occur. Absorption disorders may prevent adequate amounts being absorbed. Some medicines may be the reason for poor absorption.

Confusion, sleep disturbance, depression, fatigue, and irritability can be due to inadequate pyridoxine. Skin disorders and sore tongue are possible symptoms. Risk for heart attack and stroke increases. Extreme cases, such as anemia, convulsions, and suppression of immunity have been reported.

Many illnesses are indications for its use. Carpal tunnel syndrome, and premenstrual syndrome are two such conditions. It is sometimes used to treat autism, depression, and attention deficit disorder. Some doctors use it to enhance the therapeutic effects of other medications.

There are many important reasons to get enough vitamin b6. Eating a healthy diet is a safe way to ensure adequate intake. Individuals with a deficiency may benefit from taking supplements. Toxicity, however, is a possibility. No benefit has been found in those who are not deficient. Dietary intake does not cause toxicity. Before supplements are taken, a medical doctor should be consulted.

Get more info about vitamin b6. Stop by Janet Roth’s site where you can find out more information about the natural sources of this important antioxidant and also the best vitamin b6 products available.

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