How to Choose the Best Prenatal Vitamin

Finding out you’re pregnant is a joyous occasion for all. Welcoming a baby into the world can be a magical time for you and your family. Preparing for the baby’s arrival takes plenty of planning and detail. Even more importantly, preparing your body for the care and nurturing your baby deserves, takes even more planning and detail. One of the first things to do as a pregnant woman to take care of your baby is to begin taking prenatal vitamins, vitamin supplements specially designed for the health of a growing baby. Recommended by many doctors, small sized prenatal vitamins are essential to having a healthy and happy baby. Here are some tips to choosing the best prenatal vitamins for you and your baby.

Take a Small Sized Prenatal Vitamin During Preconception
Though it’s important to provide your baby with the vitamins it needs while in the womb, preparing your body ahead of time is also beneficial. Taking small prenatal vitamins before you are actually pregnant will guarantee that your body has all the vitamins you baby will need when conceived. These specially formulated multivitamins also aid women in reducing the number of episodes of vomiting and nausea during the first trimester.

Read the Label Before Buying Prenatal Vitamins
Make sure to shop for small prenatal vitamins that contain at least 400 mg of folic acid. Folic acid is known to reduce the chances that your baby will develop defects, such as spina bifida. Iron is also important in the health of you and your baby. Many prenatal multivitamins will usually have about 30 to 48 mg’s of iron. Aside from iron, calcium is another important nutrient every woman should be taking plenty of, whether pregnant or not. The recommended dose is 1,000 mg and should be supplied in any high quality vitamin supplements.

Make Sure Your Stomach Can Handle Your Prenatal Vitamins
Most multivitamins, including prenatal vitamins, are very laege and can prove difficult to swallow. Make sure you shop around for small sized prenatal vitamins with a slick coating that will go down easier. Chewable prenatal vitamins also come in smaller packages as do those without calcium since calcium is a nutrient that takes up a lot of space.

Choose a Dissolving Prenatal Vitamin
Prenatal vitamins that do not dissolve quickly in your stomach can sometimes cause your body to lose out on important nutrients. To test a prenatal vitamins ability to dissolve, place the vitamin in a half cup of vinegar and stir for about five minutes. Within 30 minutes, it should be either dissolved or separated into tiny particles.

The most important thing to remember when choosing prenatal vitamins is to not overload on vitamin supplements. Stay with the recommended dosage unless your doctor recommends the intake of additional multivitamins or nutritional supplements. The health of you and your baby is at stake and you want to take care so your baby is happy and healthy.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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