Biotin the B Vitamin Complex

It is common knowledge that excessive calories are going to be disadvantageous to health and fitness, but a lot of people are unaware of proper nutritional benefits. Biotin or vitamin B 1 is going to play a huge role on health from internal functioning to energy and mood.

This single nutrient is responsible for all encompassing holistic health throughout the body. The reason the nutrient is so important in health is because it begins where nutrition starts, in the metabolizing process.

Biotin is a key ingredient in digestion, necessary for the proper absorption of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Because it is such a key factor in the metabolic process it also plays a huge role in energy production.

Without the calories from the food you eat your body would be incapable of using muscles, basically you would be like a car without gasoline. Vitamin B is going to take that gasoline and pump it into the engine, thus allowing you maximum energy efficiency.

Faster metabolism and more energy usually will lead to lower percentage of body fat, which means skinnier waste and smaller clothes. If you are dieting this is a nutrient you want to get daily, preferably with your breakfast.

Foods like eggs are packed with healthy biotin and they are also great for a good healthy breakfast, so start eating eggs in the morning before your exercise routine. Do this and you will literally start to see your shape change right before your eyes-over a small period of time of course.

With exercise, nutrition and the proper amount of rest you can start changing your life now. More energy, faster metabolism, skinnier and healthier that seems like the perfect nutrient, but it actually does even more than that.

Biotin is notorious for being great for hair, skin and nails, basically it is a beauticians dream turned into a healthy vitamin. Who knew that eating eggs in the morning was going to make you energetic, fit and sexy?

The Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University that is who, according to their research adults should get around 30mcgs of biotin every day. Furthermore, if you are getting more than that it is only going to do you more good, so don’t put any caps or limitations on the amount of biotin you eat.

Commonly people will purchase supplements to compensate for low nutrient diets, but it is much healthier to try getting your nutrients from whole foods. Halibut apart from being a brain food is also going to be a great source of hearty biotin.

Other good foods would be almonds, whole unpasteurized milk, corn, carrots and most other vegetables are all going to provide a healthy amount of biotin. Start considering nutrition and see how it affects your life.

Destry Masterson is a health and nutrition expert. She publishes articles about health, nutrition, and Food Insurance food storage.

Contact Info:
Destry Masterson – [email protected] – Twitter: @DestryMasterson

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