Why Understanding Astral Travel Is A Life Changing Experience

When you have those dreams of flight, this is very similar to the experience of astral travel. The feeling of being airborne is much like the way that your astral body travels through the astral plane. All you need to do is focus on the place you want to or on the things which you want and your astral body is there in the blink of an eye. When your physical body and mind are at rest, your astral body is free to roam the universe.

Astral travel can occur during sleep, but it is important to make the distinction between astral travel and dreaming. These are two separate phenomenal; dreams happen in the brain and are our mind’s way of processing the events of your day. It replays your day in combination with other remembered events and in this way, we work through the stresses of daily life and awaken refreshed. Astral travel is something else entirely and while you forget many of your dreams even before you awake, this is not the case with astral projection.

When you wake remembering vividly even the smallest detail of what has happened as your body was at rest, this is almost certainly an astral travel experience rather than a dream which you are recalling. It’s important to keep a journal where you can write down everything you remember. You’ll want to add to this record and refer back to it periodically. It won’t all make sense at first, but much like putting together a puzzle, a picture will begin to take shape.

Dreams are beneficial for the mind, since they allow it to make sense of your daily life. Astral travel fulfills a similar function for your spiritual being. No two individuals have the same astral travel experiences and the benefits of the practice also differ between people. This is why keeping an astral travel journal is helpful; comparing your experiences to those of others is meaningless and it is only through your own experiences that you can make sense of things.

One benefit which everyone can experience through astral travel is an increased awareness of themselves and their place in the universe. This in turn leads to a sense of well being and inner peace. Astral projection also helps to improve your memory and alertness since it exercises parts of our physical minds which most people never take the time to develop.

In many people, astral travel leads to the surfacing of other latent psychic abilities. After gaining some experience with astral travel, a lot of people claim to have developed telepathy and the ability to sense spirits near them.

Astral travel lets you see things and go places you never would be able to otherwise; including inside your own psyche; and the reward is that psychic abilities and mental acuity begin to bloom.

There are many who had once been skeptical about astral travel; but once experiencing it for themselves, they have a different take on things. The way that astral travel expands your view of the universe and increases many of your natural abilities is simply impossible to ignore.

Other than these benefits, it should be remembered that there is also fun to be had! Astral travel allows you to do things and go places which are outside of your ordinary life; it’s something like a vacation for your astral body.

With all of the positives of astral travel, its surprising that everyone doesn’t do it. However, a lot of people are under the impression that these abilities are within the reach of only a few especially gifted people. However, every one of us can develop this ability if we choose to do so.

You have almost certainly had the experience of astral projection before, although it is possible you were unaware that this is what you were doing.

The best way to get started is to just let astral travel happen on its own and keep a journal of your astral projection experiences. Soon, you’ll be able to identify when you are astral traveling and this means you’re ready to start practicing to astral travel when you choose to do so. It takes practice, but you can develop this innate ability and with so much to be gained, it’s well worth the effort.

We can all learn to astral travel; it’s simply a matter of practice and training yourself for the experiences. You can find a wealth of good resources which can help you to prepare yourself for astral travel. Keep at your practice and you can achieve the inner peace which comes from being able to travel outside of; and within yourself.

The author Joe M Burns writes for the http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com website. Discover the amazing experience of astral projection for yourself and get 29 Free astral travel Audios when you visit here.

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