Travel Forever But Plan it Wisely

If you have someone in your family or circle of friends who is willing to store your belongings and take care of any other commitments, such as your pets, you have nothing stopping you from fulfilling your dream to travel forever.

Traveling forever is the best way to live new experiences and see the world. It is a desire that almost all of us nurture, but only few have the determination and courage to pursue. Most of us would not pursue this desire thinking of the many obligations that we have, or the apprehension about money.

For different people, the concept to travel forever has different meanings. For instance, when you are planning to travel forever, you may be resolved enough to weather any conditions that you may find on your way. For those who are resourceful enough, to travel forever is not a dream that simply slips away.

It is, of course, easier when you plan to travel forever on someone else’s money, or if you have some kind of financial backing. However, if you don’t, don’t give up on your dream to travel forever just yet. Well, there are ways you can travel forever while earning your way through. There may be some other concerns you have about the concept of travel forever.

To travel forever, the first thing you need is a steady source of income. Part time or short term work is usually the most suitable when you are planning to continue traveling. There are many ways you can get such short term work opportunities. The daily locals carry lots of advertisements in the ‘help wanted’ section.

You can pick out the jobs you like and work your way through them. It is important to remember that you cannot always be choosy about the kind of work you want to take up. Often enough, you may have to take a forced break from work, or work in a job that you do not enjoy a lot. However, if it pays for you to be onwards to your next destination, it is usually worth a shot.

The next thing you need when you plan to travel forever is a place to stay. A lot of people, who advertise for farm hands or help around the house, usually offer a small cottage or a meager accommodation to stay. Do not expect plush hotels and accommodations, as you are likely to be on a budget throughout your journey. Aim for something which is comfortable enough to make for a near permanent residence for yourself.

One important thing, when you are on your travels, is to stay connected to those who matter. Fortunately enough, this is not something that will impede on your dreams to travel forever. To travel forever, without any worries, you need to know that what you have left behind is safe. It may be your house, your extended family or your friends.

Keep checking with your loved ones now and then through the internet or through a phone. The good news is that technology has reached a place where it is not impossible for you to do this regularly. No matter where you are, you will find a workable internet connection and phone lines. So keep in touch.

Rationing may be one of your biggest challenges when you travel forever. This may sound a little difficult, but as you move along your travels, you will realize that budgeting and rationing becomes much easier. There will be a point when you will be very adept to the entire concept. It takes a little time to learn how to do it, but it is not completely impossible. Start by taking small steps.

Make lists of things that are absolutely essential for you and make sure you never travel without them. Keep taking stock of your things now and then and restock as and when you deem it necessary. If you are traveling with someone, it doesn’t hurt to keep their interests and needs in mind as well.

Have some basic knowledge about the place you are heading to. While spontaneity does not really hurt, it is fruitful to read up about the place you are heading to in advance. This allows you to have control over things and also saves you from unnecessary duress.

Once you have all these things worked out, you will have nothing stopping you from moving on with your plans to travel forever. Hopefully, your travels will be as fruitful as you im

The real secret of being able to travel forever is being able to earn income while you are on the road. Backpack Forever is a community of backpackers working together to turn their travel stories into sustainable income. Backpack Forever was setup to help backpackers rely on each other instead of guidebooks. Accounts are free so that anyone who wants can get paid to travel.

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