WAN Optimization Conjoined with Virtualization for Enhanced MPLS Technology

Getting the most bandwidth stream for your business requires a little from column A, and a little from column B. To really get the full leverage possible, MPLS technology must be used in conjunction with WAN optimization. Rather than being two separate camps, these differing approaches complement each other, providing the full punch so companies can stay competitive in the digital age.

No question, MPLS technology enables reliability and fast recovery, but it comes at a price. Using WAN optimization helps to augment your MPLS system for improved reliability at a fraction of the price you’d pay for MPLS alone. Technology helps the little man stay competitive, enjoying quality bandwidth without paying the high priced premiums only the super star companies can afford.

By taking WAN optimization together with virtualization, you get the best of both worlds for highly optimized performance for the fraction of a traditional MPLS system. On average, WAN optimization will deliver you 2 to 4 times the stream you’d typically enjoy. Adding WAN virtualization to the game, however, totally knocks it out of the ballpark. WAN virtualization technology is also often referred to as adaptive private networking, a process by which private high-quality bandwidth such as MPLS is combined with cheaper and more easily attainable broadband bandwidth. Companies that use both WAN optimization and virtualization enjoy another 30 to 100 bandwidth margin dollar for all applications.

That’s because the two things that WAN optimization does best- disk-based data duplication and fixing the limitations of Microsoft’s CIFS protocol for file transfers, are not directly addressed with WAN virtualization. At the same time, WAN virtualization enables companies to build networks with far greater bandwidth, lower cost, and greater reliability than previously available with MPLS technology. It provides greater advantages than WAN optimization alone. Really, the best of both worlds makes the ideal platform for tomorrow.

To beat the competition, take a two engine approach- WAN optimization tied hand -in hand with virtualization. It’s completely changed the face of MPLS technology, allowing greater streams of affordable bandwidth than has ever been possible. Why not step into the 21st century with technology that delivers the full-stream? WAN optimization synched with virtualization has created an affordable revolution in MPLS technology.

Not only can you have your cake and eat it too, but you really should, as it’s the only way to get the highest optimized technology possible. Why be polarized? Take a conjoined approach with MPLS technology that takes advantage with WAN optimization and virtualization. Without it, you’re only playing at half your game. Find your full potential with a two tiered approach.

Naveen Jain is the author of this article about MPLS technology and WAN optimization.

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