The Importance And Uniqueness Of The Technology Industry

The technology sector is one of the largest contributors to the global economy, especially in areas like the Asia-Pacific it is the core driving force behind business growth. It is such a huge part of the economy that other industries suffer if something goes awry.

The competition in the technology sector is far more intense than in any other industry as the products have a shorter lifespan, and therefore the sales and marketing methods used by and taught to staff in the industry are different to almost any other industry. The basics are the same, however the advanced sales methods are so different to that of any other industry that specialist coaches must be used to train sales and marketing staff.

One potential difference is that the life of the products is quite short, however the opposite could be true, anyone could have come up with the next sensation that will stay around for years at any point, we simply dont know until people start buying it. On the other hand however, a company could release a product and the next day a rival company could release a product with better functionality making it obsolete, we just dont know.

Another factor that separates the technology industry from others is the absence of physical boundaries. For sales in other sector, demographics are vital and often sales coaches specialise in one area. With the technology sector however there are virtually no borders. Software released in China could be downloaded and used in the USA within an hour of release.

A good sales and marketing coach for the technology sector will usually have built up a successful career in the industry themselves, then after a long and fulfilling career, they venture into training. However, given how fast the technology industry move, old skills and knowledge become obsolete very fast and so it is an absolute must that these coaches, no matter how much success they had in the past, keep up to date with the latest advances in the industry. If you find someone like that, make sure you sign them up for the long term because they will be in high demand.

Terry Forsey is a technology sales and marketing coach with over 30 years experience. To contacnt Terry Forsey visit

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