The Enhanced Power of Prayer Through Technology

There is no doubt that prayer is powerful. It is the first way that we as Christians communicate with our creator. When many of us band together and pray to God, we can make real changes in this world that we live in. With technology, prayer is mighty and spreads much further than we ever dreamed possible.

Why Praying Is Hard For Some People

Prayer means making yourself totally vulnerable in order to submit yourself to God. Most people like to feel in control of their situations, and it is human nature to want to feel a sense of empowerment through our own actions. Prayer takes away that barrier.

Prayer is bringing everything before a divine God that is in control of everything. However, once you experience the power of prayer, you realize how good it feels and you come to know that prayer makes a huge difference in the lives of many people.

Technology Teaches Us to Pray

Many people, especially new Christians, feel uncomfortable about praying. It is hard to pray when you cannot see God and talk to Him face-to-face, in the flesh. Most Christians understand the concept of faith and believing in what you cannot see, but to begin talking to the air seems unnatural.

It is hit or miss whether a church takes on the assignment of teaching people to pray effectively, and that is where technology plays an important role. Various technologies teach people exactly how to pray, based on the Lord’s Prayer and others. Technology makes it easier for people to research and get answers to their questions about prayer, and encourages us to pray on a regular, daily basis.

Using Technology to Pray for Others

The neat thing about the prayer/technology force is that Jesus tells us in the Bible that if two or more are gathered in His name, he is among us and intercedes on our behalf with God. Technology has made a wonderful way for people to know the needs and requests of others around the world.

The Internet and various software programs based upon prayer have made it possible for Christians to meet together from all over the world and pray for each other on a much grander scale than ever before possible. We can know the needs of our brothers and sisters where we could not possibly know before.

Technology Can Help Veteran Christians

If you are a veteran Christian, then you should know that there is always room for improvement in your prayer life. Are you praying daily, or even multiple times a day? Are you feeling God’s movement in your life and in the lives of your loved ones? If not, then you have a powerful prayer tool in technology.

There are programs that can teach you where your prayer life is falling short, if you feel unfilled. You can gain information on how to pump up your prayer volume, make your prayers more meaningful, and especially learn how to make sure that your prayers line up with the blessings that God wants to give you. Take advantage of the Internet and software programs that teach specifically about prayer. Make a difference today!

David Jordan is an artist who believes in the power of prayer. He believes people like you, are ready to experience the power of prayer, and “Watch God Move Heaven and Earth with your eyes closed.” Download the free 30-day trial at

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