Does Water Purification Technology Make Your Drinking Water Safe?

You might think that water purification technology is making your water safe and probably so did the residents of Pittsburgh.

The National Council in that area report that Pittsburgh’s treatment plants are already in problems and cannot cope with sewer overflows and storm-water runoff, especially when it is wet.

An investigation done by USA Today states that the Ameican Federal Laws on the safety and purity of water are failing which means that it is putting millions of Americans at risk.

They go on to say that “25 million Americans received water that violated testing and purity standards.”

It is time to investigate for ourselves the methods of water purification that are being used in the treating of the water where we live.

All municipal water treatment plants are subject to certain critera but many of them are falling behind these standards and due to the aging infrastructures, and expensive costs of regulating the highest degree of filtering, water plant owners are having to cut their budgets which therefore reflect on how well the water is treated.

Yes, researchers are looking into water purification technology that will eventually benefit both the treatment plants and the consumers.

After all water is the life giving nutrients that our bodies need. A man can go without food but he cannot go without water.

There is an immediate solution right now while we are waiting for the technology to be implemented and bring cheaper and cleaner water to the masses.

The best way is to filter your own water. By that I mean use some kind of water filtering system in the home.

It is better to be safe than sorry and there are many pollutants in water that can seriously affect our childrens health such as lead.

Answer the following questions below:

1. Do I want to be responsible for my child suffering?
2. Do I want to become ill from water borne disease?
3. Do I want to know what is floating around in my drinking water?
4. Do I want to protect myself and my loved ones?

If you answered these questions honestly, then you need to take control and install or use a filtering system.

The problem is that with a lot of the serious debilitating and even life threatening diseases that can be caused through drinking un-treated water the symptoms may not show straight away. In fact sometimes it may take years for the condition to rear its ugly head and so we tend to think we are fine and carry on as we had before.

Do you want to be among the 93% of people around the world who has a chance of getting cancer claimed by the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality because your water had too much chlorine in it?

Do you want to be one of the 30 cases who get rectal cancer associated with THMs (chlorination by-products) in drinking water. Reported by the Natural Resources Defense Council

Dr. David Ozonoff, Boston University School of Public Health states that: “The risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real.”

There are various methods of water purification that should be used in the treatment of waste water to effectively class it as safe for human consumption.

Filtration, clarification, disinfection (to get more information about these methods go to my article The 10 critical steps Needed For Safe Water Purification).

Each step in the process is vital to the purity of our tap water. Although not every water dredge will need all of the steps at once. It depends on where the water has come from, what pollutants are present and what job the water is needed for.

We need water everyday of our lives if we want to stay healthy. But what we do not need is to drink un-safe water through ignorance.

However, now we know the hidden truths behind the scams of public water suppliers we are able to make better informed decisions that will keep ourselves and our family happy, healthy and safe.

Before you go out and buy any Water purification technology system visit my website and get expert advice on how to keep your family healthy and safe.

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