Complementary Angles for Angle Complement Supplement

definition of angles for angle complement supplement :
Angle is a measure when two lines or rays are diverging from same point. Some of the types in angle which can be divided into types by radian measures.
Right angle :
An angle measure shows 90º is called a right angle
Obtuse angle :
An angle measure shows greater than 90° and less than 180º is called an obtuse angle.
Zero angle :
If the initial and final ray coincide, the angle formed which is zero angle.
Straight angle :
An angle whose measure is 180º is called a straight angle.

Definition of Complementary Angles for Angle Complement Supplement:
If the sum of two angles measures is 90°, then they are called complementary angles. Each angle is complement for other angle.
For example
25° are 65° are complementary angles because the sum of the angles 25° and 65° (25° + 65°) = 90°

Ex 1: What is the complementary angle of 37° ?

Sol : For complementary angle sum is 90º, then
The complementary angle of 37° = 90° – 37° = 53°.

Ex 2: What is the complementary angle of 45° ?

Sol : For complementary angle sum is 90º, then
The complementary angle of 45° = 90° – 45° = 45°.

Ex 3: What is the complementary angle of 75° ?

Sol : For complementary angle sum is 90º, then
The complementary angle of 75° = 90° – 75° = 15°.

Ex 4: What is the complementary angle of 23° ?

Sol : For complementary angle sum is 90º, then
The complementary angle of 23° = 90° – 23° = 67°.
Definition of Supplementary Angles for Angle Complement Supplement:
If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180°, then they are called supplementary angles. Each angle supplement of the other angle.
For example
50° and 130° are supplementary angles because the sum of the angles 130° and 50° = 130° + 50° = 180°

Ex 1: Find the supplementary angle of 75°

Sol : For supplementary angle sum is 180º, then
The supplementary angle of 75° = 180° – 75° = 105°.

Ex 2: Find the supplementary angle of 35°

Sol : For supplementary angle sum is 180º, then
The supplementary angle of 35° = 180° – 35° = 145°.

Ex 3: Find the supplementary angle of 55°

Sol : For supplementary angle sum is 180º, then
The supplementary angle of 55° = 180° – 55° = 125°.

Ex 4: Find the supplementary angle of 27°

Sol: For supplementary angle sum is 180º, then
The supplementary angle of 27° = 180° – 27° = 153°.

Know more Complement Angle
i found this interesting link Verticle Angles

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