Acai Berry Supplement Remains Supreme

As the most highly effective and versatile nutraceutical on today’s natural and organic health products market, Acai berry together with its various forms is now the best super food. Having triumphed, lasting through time to hold today’s top position as the number one ultra mega-vitamin and star-rated health supplement available, Amazon Thunder Acai first got its start as the highly potent organic remedy and health-promoting agent used by Brazil’s generations of herbalists.

Acai in its varied forms is usually available as acai juice, or combined with other natural or organic components in natural health products now on the market. This remains even though it is possible to freeze-dry acai berries for easy shipping to distant destinations from the Amazon where it originates and continues to grow for harvest.

Noni juice, commercially cultivated in Tahiti and Hawaii is an example of other nutrient-rich fruits presently available in the alternative health market. Employed from the ancient folk medicinal practices as an extremely powerful and diverse remedy, noni juice comes from the noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia).

Historically, Noni juice has been reported to aid myriad health disorders, diseases and conditions. Improving its attractiveness as a nutrient-rich natural product, most sources of today’s commercially grown noni fruit are farmed in areas with minimal levels of environmental hazards.

Another currently popular natural fruit is the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), still grown mainly in Southeast Asia. In 600 AD, archives in Southeast Asia reported the significance of mangosteen as a powerful general health-promoting and healing aid. Although Queen Victoria dubbed the exotic and flavorful mangosteen the “Queen of Fruits”, neither it nor the favorite noni fruit offer the unique blend of complex and completely essential vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients which combine to form the acai berry.

The acai berry has customarily been harvested from a number of Amazon palm tree found in Brazil’s abundant Rainforests, while majority of today’s top quality mega-foods are hydroponically grown (cultivated in water). Perhaps this contributes to the reason why it is in number one position as today’s ultimate super food and top-rated whole food mega-vitamin supplement. As the most potent sole health-related natural product on the market today for promoting health and vitality, and for for detoxifying the body’s system, the acai berry contains the highest levels of power-packed antioxidants together with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

If you want the best acai berry products for your health and well being, I suggest you take a look at these acai berry supplements.

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