A Natural Supplement To Ease The Mind Is Often The Best Solution

It is fascinating to read the results of an enormous survey which was conducted by The Global Drug Survey. Some of these 15,000 drug users were taking newer drugs such as mephedrone and synthetic cannabis so they were not really those who were seeking a supplement to ease the mind! In fact about one fifth of those taking the famous white powder never really know what exactly is in that mix!

Other interesting factors emerged form the survey in that most of those interviewed were perfectly confident that they could balance their drug taking with their jobs and their relationships. The bottom line was that they felt that side effects were about same as a hangover.

One toxicologist from St. George’s Medical School in London was adamant about the risks of taking unknown mystery powders and that it was reckless behavior to take any untested drugs. It is also interesting to note that there is a sort of new ‘grey market’ which now makes use of prescribed painkillers and antidepressants. Again, the risks are considerable.

The most interesting point though to emerge from this massive survey which was done in collaboration with the Global Drug Survey found that the health risks from alcohol and tobacco should never be underestimated. Most people interviewed would like to consume less of these harmful recreational drugs and felt that they were addicted to these as well.

So, is there a much safer supplement to ease my mind? Fortunately, there is so we do not have to resort to taking mystery powders. I know that in Germany, the vast numbers of people who are anxious and depressed are taking St. John’s Wort instead of Prozac and that certainly is a much safer option for everyone concerned.

There are vast numbers of people seeking a safe supplement to ease the mind as they fight anxiety, insomnia, worry, depression and stress. The recent article in the British Medical Journal points out alarmingly that those people who take large doses of benzodiazepines are five times more likely to suffer from a sudden death than those who never take them.

This is why more and more people are seeking a safe and effective supplement to ease the mind because they do not want to take unnecessary risks and want to enjoy life while they can. The best herbs of all are St.John’s Wort and the Passion Flower which can ease tension, soothe the mind and help you to relax even when you have to face difficult situations. Why wait around looking for a cure?

It is easy to take a supplement to ease your mind especially when you will never have to worry about unexpected side effects or risk  your health or which could jeopardise your career. If you need help for anxiety or a natural depression treatment, the answer is close at hand.

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