What Vitamin Cures Anxiety And Stress?

If you suffer from anxiety and stress then you really need to look at your diet and what vitamins you may be missing out on. If you ask your health practitioner, or your natural health advisor, “What vitamin cures anxiety and stress”? then both will tell you that there are a number of natural treatments that can help a person suffering from anxiety and stress. However, your health practitioner may also tell you that most of these vitamins need help from other sources and vitamins alone may not be the answer to your problem.

There has always been a bit of a split between members of the medical profession and natural health practitioners, which is why you may get qualified answers from a medical professional. However, studies in natural health tend to suggest that there is one vitamin in particular, which, if taken as an extra source i.e. something more than our normal diet provides, and on a regular basis is an almost guaranteed cure for anxiety and stress..

There are a lot of things in the atmosphere which can have effects on our system, these effects are sometimes evident physically and some emotionally. Air pollution is much more widespread now than it used to be and these pollutants can attack not only our physical attributes, but our intellectual and emotional ones as well. This means it is important to be aware of the vitamins that help our bodies and also what vitamin cures anxiety and stress.

Vitamin E for example can help our skin to maintain a youthful look, but did you know that its powerful antioxidants are a valuable means of transporting oxygen to our brain cells. It is this much needed oxygen that protects brain cells and prevents them from becoming damaged by free radicals. Vitamin E is also known to have a calming effect because anxiety and stress are made a lot worse when our brain is not receiving sufficient oxygen – because vitamin E transports oxygen to the brain this has a calming effect on our nervous system. This vitamin is especially useful to those sufferers who also experience panic attacks often accompanied by rapid breathing.

If you want to know what vitamin cures anxiety and stress then most health advisors will point you towards the vitamin B complex. This family of vitamins is well known for its capacity in helping to maintain a normal nervous system – it is also the vitamin that is often prescribed for women experiencing pre-menstrual attention, which is often a source of stress and anxiety.

The vitamin that really can cure anxiety and stress is the often overlooked vitamin C. This vitamin is extremely important for many different reasons, but is especially noted for aiding the proper functioning of the brain and adrenal glands, which makes it important when you are dealing with stress. Vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that it is impossible to overdose on, which is good news for anxiety sufferers because when the vitamin is taken in large doses it has a tranquilising effect that drastically reduces any feelings of anxiety.

For more information on vitamin anxiety cures , visit the natural anxiety cures guide site.

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