What Vitamin C Can Do for You

Hippocrates once said, “We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and in disease to learn the truth.” And so from nature comes some of the most amazing remedies. When you eat an orange you probably don’t think about all the great vitamins and fiber in that orange. You think about the refreshing and wonderful taste. But that vitamin C, contained in oranges as well as many other foods, can work wonders.

In times before written history, spruce needles have been used in infusions, or the leaves from species of drought-resistant trees were used in desert areas. In 1536, the French explorer Jacques Cartier, exploring the St. Lawrence River, used the local natives’ knowledge to save his men who were dying of scurvy. He boiled the needles of the arbor vitae tree to make a brew that was later shown to contain vitamin C. The need to include fresh plant food or raw animal flesh in the diet to prevent disease has been known for a very long time and is included in the medical lore of just about every native people.

A Dutch writer, Johann Bachstrom, in 1734, wrote that “scurvy is solely owing to a total abstinence from fresh vegetable food, and greens, which is alone the primary cause of the disease.” John Woodall, the first appointed surgeon to the British East India Company, recommended the precautionary and healing use of lemon juice in his book, The Surgeon’s Mate, in 1617.

In 1949 when polio was in its worst epidemic, Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, MD, used Vitamin C to treat polio, and published that his success rate was 100% – 60 out of 60 patients cured with no lingering damage. His work shows that vitamin C is extremely useful in neutralizing those agents able to poison a body.

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, antitoxic and immune booster. There are hundreds of books and articles in medical journals and in the health field written about vitamin C. Evidence shows that vitamin C is necessary for good health and can be used effectively as an agent for treating most infectious diseases. Vitamin C is most likely the best possible treatment for anyone who has a disease, even if the disease is not yet diagnosed or the patient has been taking other remedies.

Vitamin C acts very quickly. It joins directly with toxins or viruses renders them unable to do their thing.

Vitamin C is the premier agent for treating nearly every viral infection. The dose of vitamin C administered depends on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the patient’s immune system. If people consumed enough vitamin C daily, most would probably not experience grave illnesses. After a person has already contracted a disease, vitamin C is still a good remedy and can be used for treating nearly every viral infection. The amount of vitamin C given any particular patient depends on the seriousness of the disease and the state of the patient’s immune system.

Physicians in Australia have given doses up to 300,000 mg resulting in remarkable recoveries and no side effects, just healthy patients. Vitamin C has negligible side effects and can be given in large doses.

Doctors and staff at Angel Longevity Medical Center in Los Angeles use alternative medicine remedies because they work. Their number one priority is helping people, and thus the use the treatments that get results. Vitamin C is one successful remedy.

Looking to find the best deal on Vitamin C therapy, then visit www.angelmedcenter.com to find the best advice on natural alternative medicine remedy for you.

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