Vitamin D3 5000 IU Supplements Required for the Prevention of Various health Issues

It requires simple general knowledge that vitamin D is extremely important for our health. There can be several types of vitamin D, among which the two most important types are ergocalciferol or D2 and cholecalciferol or D3. While the D2 type of vitamin is synthesized by plants, the D3 vitamin type is produced through exposure to direct sunlight. Let us discuss some of the health conditions that can be prevented and healed by taking vitamin D3 5000 IU supplements.

Prevention of Cancer: It has been shown in several researches that direct exposure to sunlight reduces the chances of 20 types of cancers, the most important among which are prostrate, breast and colon cancer. Reduced exposure to sunlight increases the risk of Melanoma immensely, which is found to occur in people rarely getting exposed to direct sunlight. Even the body parts that seldom come in direct contact with sunlight like the soles of your feet, the armpits and your mouth are at much greater risk for melanoma. Vitamin D3 5000 IU supplements can help immensely in the prevention of these serious health risks.

Prevention of Heart Diseases: Studies have shown that people who are deprived of vitamin D3 are at a much higher risk for heart attack and hypertension than people having sufficient levels of it.

Prevention of Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures: In a study conducted with women, they were exposed to sunbath for one year. The results showed a remarkable increase in the level of vitamin D3 in their body, resulting in an improved bone mass and reduced risk for bone fractures.

Prevention of Depression: Studies have shown that elderly people who are deprived of vitamin D3 are more prone to depression than people who have adequate levels of the vitamin.

Cure of Chronic Pain: In a significant medical study, where patients with vitamin D3 deficiency suffering from Myopathy, which is a disease of bone and muscle were given vitamin D3 5000 IU supplements, they were found to show remarkable improvement in their condition. Vitamin D3 is shown to result in notable improvement in people suffering from severe weakness, fatigue and chronic pain.

Prevention of Pre-eclampsia: Women who are deficient in vitamin D3 are prone to Pre-eclampsia, which is a health condition that occurs during pregnancy, and are characterized by high blood pressure, protein in urine and edema. This condition can result in pre-mature labor, and can also cause death during pregnancy.

Some of the other serious health issues that can be caused due to vitamin D3 deficiency are:

* Fatigue and lack of energy
* Poor dental health
* Acute lower respiratory infection
* Anemia
* Headache
* Heart failure
* Leukemia
* Rickets in children
* Migraines
* Tuberculosis
* Kidney disease
* Infertility
* Lower birth rates in new born babies
* Dysfunctioning of the immune system
* Macular degeneration
* Parkinson’s disease
* And many more.

Deficiency of vitamin D3 can also cause several mental conditions like:

* Anxiety
* Hypertension
* Depression
* Schizophrenia.
* And more.

Vmultigreen is a reputed enterprise producing and marketing vitamin D3 5000IU supplements providing customers with the innumerable health benefits of vitamin D3.

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