Vitamin C” The Wonder Supplement

Amazing Therapy

There is a tremendous amount of evidence in health literature that vitamin C is the most critical nutrient needed for good health and for management of and curing a great number of infectious diseases. Even if the diagnosis is not yet final or other drugs have been given, vitamin C is perhaps the most essential treatment that any patient with a disease should get. This is because vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-toxic and immune booster.

Vitamin C inactivates certain toxins at an unbelievable rate. It combines directly with the toxin/virus.

In 1949 when polio was prevalent, Dr. Frederick R. Klenner used vitamin C to treat polio victims that came to his office. He wrote that he treated 60 cases of polio and cured every one of them without lasting effects. Vitamin C is the treatment of choice for neutralizing and eliminating poisonous substances from the body, whether they be created by viral infections or poisons consumed. The quantity to be administered to an individual depends upon the graveness of the disease and the state of the patient’s own immune system. If we took sufficient quantities of vitamin C daily, most of us could avoid all serious illness.

Human race genetically lacks the enzyme gulonolactone oxidase unlike rats and guinea pigs. This enzyme is needed in the last step of conversion of glucose in to vitamin C. 100% GLO deficiency is shared by all human beings.

How does it work!

Dr. Klenner’s observed that when vitamin C is used but seems ineffective, the problem is insufficient amounts of vitamin C administered over too short a time period. Vitamin C can be administered as an intravenous drip. It can be used to oxidize the agents that cause disease. If it runs rapidly in the drip it becomes a flash oxidizer, and many conditions are cured in minutes. In addition to relieving infections, vitamin C is also an anti-clotting agent, an anti-histamine and a toxin neutralizer.

The way vitamin C works is that after it attaches to the toxin or virus, the vitamin C itself oxidizes the new compound. Thus the toxin or virus as well as the vitamin C are destroyed. For this reason, vitamin C has to continue to be administered after the cure is effected.

Vitamin C Applications

Administering vitamin C in sufficient quantity intravenously has resulted in cures and prevention of these diseases and conditions:

Chronic fatigue syndrome (Epstein Barr)

Viral hepatitis – Hepatitis is most often caused by a virus, but it can be the result of exposure to certain toxic agents, such as drugs or chemicals

Viral encephalitis – inflammation of the substance of the brain.

Chickenpox – a virus, commonly of children

Herpes infection – marked by the development of blisterlike sores on the skin or mucous membranes of the body.

Viral Pneumonia – inflammation of the lungs with congestion caused by a virus.

Influenza – characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and exhaustion

Rabies – a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals


The common Cold – characterized by sneezing, sore throat, coughing, etc., caused by an allergic reaction or by a viral, bacterial, or mixed infection

Streptococcal infections – characterized by an extremely painful throat, enlarged tonsils, and sometimes gastrointestinal disturbances.

Amoebic dysentery – characterized by severe diarrhea, nausea, and inflammation of the intestines

Staphylococcal infections – the toxins are a common cause of food poisoning, as it can grow in improperly-stored food

Barbiturates, CO or pesticides or alcohol poisoning

Any toxic poisoning e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic, nickel, Aluminum

Radiation Toxicity

Side effects from administration of vitamin C are negligible. Physicians in Australia have given doses up to 300,000 mg resulting in impressive recoveries and no side effects, just healthy patients. A number of terminal cancer victims received intravenous vitamin C in large amounts for eight weeks and blood tests showed no side effects.

Some conventional physicians have feared that vitamin C supplementation causes kidney stones, as the major metabolic end product of vitamin C is oxalate. And most kidney stones are calcium oxalate. But in some respected literature it has been reported otherwise. It can actually help dissolve the stones. So this area remains controversial.

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