Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms – Find It

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is important for cell growth and normal the formation of blood cells. It is present in many foods and is well balanced varied diet vitamin B12 ingested in sufficient quantity.

Recommended dietary standard (RDA) for vitamin B12 is 2-4 mg per day for the elderly.

The vitamin B12 deficit may appear due to certain diseases or unbalanced diet.

Adults Vitamin B12 deficiency usually occurs because of malabsorption of the vitamin in the intestine, a condition called pernicious anemia. Deficiency of this vitamin may also arise as a result of resection of stomach or intestines, which may also affect the absorption of B12 by the body.

In both these cases, you will need B12 injections. Since this drug is only in foods of animal origin, strict vegetarians who do not use eggs or milk, also need to accept the B12 and can take it orally.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia and a slow progressive irreversible damage nervous system. This will be expressed in loss of sensation of hands and feet, instability, memory loss, confusion and mood swings.

To prevent this, patients needing long-term treatment monthly course of injections of vitamin B12, should be regularly every 6 to 12 months examined by a doctor. If you do not need Injections of vitamin B12, you should have more foods rich in this vitamin, and not to take vitamin B12.

Reception vitamin V12opravdan only when its deficit can not be make up only by making changes in the diet. Statements which says about vitamin B12 as a panacea for many diseases, no backed up. There is no evidence that this The drug increases the vitality and able to cope with depression or fatigue in people not suffering from a deficit vitamin B12. So don’t take it ease

Learn to recognize peculiar Vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms symptoms that are possibly indicative of even borderline B12 deficiency.Learn what to do about Fundamental Information About B12 Deficiency.

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