The Risks of Undue Vitamin Supplement Usage and More: Things to Ponder on

In the mythology of the Greeks, the lunar deity Artemis was believed to have accused her twin brother Apollo of double standards. The issue was about the solar deity changing lovers like mortals switching garments despite his enforcement of moderation among his followers. To this, Apollo was said to have answered, “Moderation in all things, including moderation.”

No doubt there’s a lesson right here to be learned about letting go and maximizing life. But as the adage goes, too much of anything (even something good) can be adverse. Take vitamins as an example: everybody understands they strengthen your body with multiple perks, but a typically overlooked fact is that they can cause health issues if absorbed in excessive amounts.

Consider Vitamin A. Ancient Egyptians took this particular vitamin to enhance their vision, fortify the immune system, and reinforce their teeth and bones. Taking too much of it, however, can cause skin staining (a dull brown-orange color if excessive carrot juice was consumed), hair loss, and the development of sores at the sides of the mouth.

Another instance is Vitamin D, which can be found in eggs, fish, and even sunlight. Vitamin labels on many commercial supplements will undoubtedly inform you Vitamin D assists the body to take in calcium and phosphorus, enhances the brain, and even give defense from light levels of exposure to radiation. Taking a lot of Vitamin D supplements, however, may lead to constipation, sensations of weakness, and kidney complications.

A third instance is Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid on some pharmaceutical labels. You’re undoubtedly mindful that citrus fruits are a popular source of this vitamin, helping prevent the likes of scurvy and mitigate the results of the common cold. However, according to British researchers, excessive consumption of Vitamin C supplements can result in the formation of free radicals and subsequent body organ impairment.

Would you like to check out more on the effects of vitamin overdose as well as vitamin deficiencies? Feel free to check out Keep in mind: when it pertains to your wellness, look for the vitamin label to understand what you’re entering and take your supplements in small amounts. Don’t let any Greek sun god tell you something different.

For more details, search Vitamin labels, pharmaceutical labels, and vitamin label in Google for related information.

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