The Importance Of Vitamin B6 And Why It Is Good For Your Health.

You cannot over emphasize the value that vitamin b6 has for your body. To get enough of this vitamin it is a good idea to eat seeds, beans, brans, wheat and beef. Supplements are available in an optimized format.

In activated format is the best way the body can use this. It is known pyridoxal 5 phosphate (P5P). The recommended dosage of this vitamin is at least 20% of daily intake. This is because there are people that do not have the ability to change B6 to P5P. This product therefore is best ingested in tablet form.

The vitamin is known to metabolize proteins and enzymes. Shortage of this can lead to problems such as, premenstrual syndrome, a weakened immune system, arthritis, Parkinsons, yeast infection and retention of water. Other serious conditions include dermatitis, autism, acne, epilepsy, depression and schizophrenia. These conditions are related to taking too little or having too little of this vitamin in the body.

It has been shown in clinical trials that conditions like, PMS, ADD, carpal tunnel syndrome, autism, depression and endometriosis can be treated effectively with P5P. Adding this to the body works well with nutrients in the body to create the healing.

In order to achieve balance and optimum results other vitamins are equally important. Two very significant ones are magnesium and vitamin B12. Taking isolated vitamins poses the risk of toxicity. Getting the balance right is crucial to your well being.

Pyridoxine is water-soluble and assists in the breaking down of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Consuming vast quantities of protein will require more P5P and vitamin B. This is because the protein needs sufficient vitamin B and P5P to be broken down.

Another benefit is that it helps to create antibodies that help keep your immune system strong. Normal function is brought to the brain, thanks to the creation of red blood cells. This enables better concentration and mental alertness. It also helps with mental conditions.

Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome and those on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have been noted to have low supplies of pyridoxine. Symptoms of this include depression, low libido and mood swings. This is why leafy green vegetables and liver should form part of a balanced diet for a woman with PMS.

Herbs, vitamin B12, minerals and other essential vitamins are absorbed into the body due to the presence of iron and P5P in the body. The other important functions that these have are to assist the human body to produce vitamin B3 and to break down protein.

Foods that are beneficial for this purpose include fruits and vegetables such as bananas and avocado pears and potatoes. Nuts and seeds are great snacks, so be sure to include sunflower seeds and hazelnuts in your diet. Soybeans, lentils and fortified cereals are also good sources of pyridoxine.

Meats such as ground beef, beef liver, chicken, ham, salmon, tuna and shrimp are good sources of vitamin b6 and iron. Be sure to eat plenty of these foods and to supplement with a good quality multivitamin that provides the various nutrients in the correct balance.

Get more info about vitamin b6. Check out Janet Roth’s web page where you can find out more interesting facts about the natural sources of this crucial antioxidant and the best vitamin b6 supplements.

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