The Growth Of The Health And Vitamin Supplement Market

The vast majority of all mineral supplements are created from chemicals instead of natural substances which can be labeled as a contradictory approach to the whole issue. The growing supplement market however, shows no signs of tapering off and many more are taking supplements. If these are of a chemical composition, then the questions of harmful effects are bound to arise.

One of the basic facts you should know concerning mineral vitamin supplements is that they aren’t as easily absorbed as the normal food particles are. Constantly, the industry is striving to produce products are easily processed by the body which therefore would make them more beneficial. A new ‘bio available’ form of these supplements are being brought out by the industry ever so often.

Many mineral have been developed, combining elements that permit them to be readily absorbed by the body. Iron for example is administered as iron gluconate, enabling the body to absorb the iron more readily. Also many vitamins have been combined in one supplement as they have been found to work better that way.

The proportion of the nutrients in the vitamin supplement should be relatively higher that it would be found in natural form and only when the proportion is high the body will be able to assimilate the quantity that is really necessary for the body. However, this could also result in larger quantities of the mineral being absorbed than is needed resulting in toxic levels.

To be on the safer side you must consult your health professional before you start consuming a large quantity of these supplements that are advertised in the media. One should, however, be aware that the industry is constantly improving and developing better and newer combinations of mineral vitamin supplements.

The manufacturers of the supplements have started culturing the raw materials using yeast cells so as to aid better absorption. This type of supplements is called ‘food state’. They have now become very popular and are available on most supermarket shelves.

The vitamin supplement needs are based purely on individual requirements. It goes without saying that nutrients obtained in their natural form through the food eaten is much better for the body than by artificial means. Sometimes, it may be found necessary for the individual to take some type of mineral supplement on a temporary basis however, it is not recommended for long term use for several of the supplements that are available currently.

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