How to Cure a Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. The deficiency of vitamin B12 is due to the inability of the digestive tract to absorb this vitamin. Vitamin B12 is seen in abundantly in fish, meat and dairy products and is essential for healthy nervous system and the production of red blood cells.

Causes of Anemia
A vitamin B12 deficiency, in most cases, is not due to a lack of the afore mentioned vitamin. Instead it is due to an absorption problem in the intestine. The root cause of the absorption problem is the lack of production of necessary secretions in the intestinal lining. This is called the intrinsic factor. Your body may not be able to produce enough due to some sort of autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disorder is a type of disease where your own immune system acts against your body’s own tissues and organs.

In some patients this type of anemia, known as Pernicious Anemia, may be due to the surgical removal of small intestine due to some pathological problem. Small intestine is the place where the vitamin B12 absorption takes place. Crohn’s disease can also lead to Pernicious Anemia. This disease causes chronic inflammation in the intestine. Those that practice a strict vegetarian diet are much more likely to be diagnosed with Crohn’s.

Symptoms of the deficiency
The symptoms of anemia induced by a vitamin B12 deficiency are very similar to the ones seen in case of iron deficiency anemia and include chronic fatigue. In addition, patients may also experience numbness in the feet and hand, jaundice, difficulties experienced in equilibrium, confusion, depression and changes in personality.

Home Remedies for Pernicious Anemia
One may wonder how to cure the anemia with vitamin supplements. You must supplement with sufficient quantities of vitamin B12 through supplements or preferably, diet. Foods of animal origin such as milk, meat, fish and eggs are rich in this vitamin and can help get your B12 levels back up where they should be. In the case of strict vegetarians or vegans, supplemental vitamin pills are typically recommended as the best and fastest way to get the needed nutrients.

If you are suffering from a vitamin B12 anemia, it is important to abstain from alcohol when treating the conditions. Alcohol can interfere with the vitamins absorption and keep you from recovering in a timely manner.

Consuming a supplemental amount in pill form is inexpensive and a great way to ensure that you are getting an adequate amount to replenish your reserves. Always consult a doctor before beginning a pill regimen, but when shopping for supplemental pills, remember that a typical adult dose of B12 is 1000-2000 micrograms per day.

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