Heath benefits of Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Eight tocopherols are the component of vitamin E, all with the same physiological actions, but more active and effective is alpha – tocopherol, according to which is determined the necessary of vitamin E and, normally, the content of various foods with this valuable substance.
Being powerful antioxidant, tocopherol plays an important role in protecting vitamin A, carotene and vegetable oils. Also, vitamin E acts favorably in reproduction, in ensuring the normal functioning of sex glands and the endocrine, enables storage of glycogen in the liver and muscles, including heart muscle.

Tocopherol has the following properties:
* is involved in the metabolism of fats, calcium and phosphorus, as in protein synthesis;
* limits production of cholesterol;
* controls the removal of water from the body;
* prevents cell aging;
* strengthens and protects the heart and arteries against atherosclerosis;
* strengthens muscles and connective tissue as well as sexual function and mental abilities;
* acts positively on peripheral blood circulation and skin regeneration;
* has diuretic and hypotensive effect;
* helps prevent occurrence of abortions;
* decreases the risk of cardiac ischemia installation;
* attenuates the rate of aging;
* is effective in diabetes, burns and wounds that heal hard, testicular, ovarian and uterine atrophy, infertility in female and impotence in male;
* improves the pace of development of the genitals at puberty;
* intervenes in cases of painful menstruation, menopausal disorders, growth disorders in children, myocarditis, angina and heart failure, atherosclerosis, can alleviate disease symptoms even already installed;
* has a beneficial role in treating eczema, acne, psoriasis, evolutive myopia, lens opacity and cataract, as in Parkinson disease etc.

In addition, tocopherol ensures protection of blood vessels, blood, lungs and liver, in chronic and epidemic hepatitis. He also boosts the body’s defense against infections, and has anticancerigen properties. This vitamin can be administrated efficiently in premature newborns, women in case of miscarriage, in some anemia in children, as in arthritis, thrombophlebitis, varicose ulcers, inflammatory rheumatic, muscular dystrophies, etc. Also, vitamin E lead to significant improvements in several cardiovascular diseases, especially heart pain and feelings of suffocation, prevent blood clots and contribute to dissolution. Because of sanogen-therapeutic virtues that have, tocopherol is known as “Heath’s Vitamin”.

Daily need of vitamin E
The manifestation of biological activity of vitamin E is in milligrams or international units (IU). In adult men, the RDA of tocopherol is 25 mg, in direct proportion to age and the amount of polyunsaturated fatty foods consumed. In pregnancy and lactation increase the vitamin E requirements; in normal condition (unpregnant) women need less vitamin E than men. A high intake of vitamin E is necessary for elderly. It also should be used in neonates, until the advent of their intestinal flora, because breast milk is very low in tocopherol. In recent years, according to some authors, it is estimated that demand in vitamin E is much higher. Chlorine in tap water, mineral oil laxatives, motherhood and menopause, all require increased intake of vitamin E.

Vitamin E deficiency leads to muscular dystrophy and occurrence of nerve damage, and the installation of atherosclerosis. In women, hypovitaminosis E can cause miscarriage. Should also be noted that insufficient vitamin cause muscle and nerve diseases and increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood and muscles. Disorders in the body because of vitamin E deficiency are reversible in women and irreversible in men. In adults, vitamin deficiencies cause a slight decrease in life span of red blood cells. Tocopherol increases its effectiveness by associating with vitamins A, B, and C, inositol, as well as manganese and selenium intake. Tocopherol enhanced activity of vitamin A.

In supplying the body with vitamin E, have to be taken into account that its intestinal absorption from food consumed is only 30%. Vitamin E deficiency is found more often in elderly and malnourished, in chronic inflammation, various chronic diseases, etc. Hypervitaminosis E occurs in very large pharmaceutical doses (300-800 mg / day); it can cause oligospermia, as azosperm in men, and in women – ovarian involution and menstrual irregularities.

Vitamin E can be synthesized in the laboratory, or can be extracted from natural sources such as wheat germ, vegetables or eggs. Natural form is more readily absorbed, stored and used by the body. Vitamin E produced and distributed by CaliVita Company as Mega Vitamin E and Vitamin E contain natural and fresh sources of vitamin E.

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