Greater Benefits of B12 Vitamin Injections

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin also called cobalamin. It can be found naturally in food sources such as meats, poultry, seafood and dairy products and is also available in B12 fortified foods and supplements. B12 is vital for the proper function and maintenance of many of the body’s systems including the production of red blood cells, protection and function of the nervous system, psychological health and metabolism functions. A lack of adequate levels of this crucial vitamin can lead to Vitamin B12 deficiency and can result in a host of hematological, neurological and psychological symptoms. Many of these symptoms can be reversed with early detection and treatment. However, if left untreated B12 deficiency can lead to serious and permanent nerve damage.

What is Vitamin B12 – Role in the Body?

To fully answer the question “what is vitamin B12″ we must look at its role in the body. Vitamin B12 is the largest and most complex of the B vitamins and is required for the production of red blood cells, proper function and protection of the nervous system and also plays an important role in DNA synthesis and the metabolism of virtually every cell.

Vitamin B12 enters the body bound to the protein in food and is released for absorption with the help of acids in the digestive system. Once released the B12 plays many vital roles including the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body. B12 is an important element in DNA synthesis and is also a co-factor in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy. Another important role of B12 is its involvement in metabolism of fatty acids and the production of the fatty material called myelin which insulates and protects nerves and helps prevent spinal cord degeneration. B12 is also instrumental in cell production the helps renew hair, nails and skin. Additionally, vitamin B12 helps reduce the risk of heart attacks by helping maintain healthy levels of homocysteine.

What is Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when the body does not get enough vitamin B12 and the body’s serum levels drop below normal. B12 deficiency most commonly occurs when a problem exists in the digestive system that prohibits the absorption of the B12 in foods. An autoimmune disease called pernicious anemia is a common example of a B12 absorption problem. Pernicious anemia affects the lining of the stomach and causes a lack of protein called intrinsic factor, which is vital for the absorption of B12. B12 deficiency can also be caused by a lack of nutritional intake. This is less common and most people get enough B12 from the foods they eat. However, vegans and strict vegetarians are at risk for nutritional deficiencies because of the absence of animal products in their diets.

What is Vitamin B12 Food Sources?

Foods rich in vitamin B12 are meats, poultry, fish, liver, eggs, seafood, dairy products and B12 fortified foods such as cereals and yeast. There are no reliable plants sources for vitamin B12, so vegans and strict vegetarians should rely on fortified foods or supplements to meet their B12 requirements.

What is Vitamin B12 Supplement Options?

Vitamin B12 supplements are available in a number of forms including B12 injections (B12 Shots), Oral B12 pills, Sublingual pills, strips and liquids (Sublingual supplements are absorbed under the tongue instead of swallowing), intranasal sprays or gels. All of these forms have been proven effective for the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency when taken in proper dosages.

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