Evidence That You’re Vitamin D Deficient

According to a recent news article posted on the internet, vitamin D is probably the most talked about vitamin in our time today. Scientists just keep on discovering facts about this sunlight vitamin and along with those discoveries comes the sad fact that a lot of people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Read along to find out what signs may accompany this said condition.

Although over fatigue can be a result of various conditions, it is a very common sign that a person lacks vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone and even muscle weakness, explaining why people who lack in it easily get tired. According to some studies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of CFS is connected to the lack of vitamin D as well.

Depression can also be a sign that an individual lacks vitamin D. A new study says that depression is a consequence of not getting enough sunlight in the morning. It is also noteworthy that most depression cases occur in places where the sun seldom shines or in seasons of the year like winter.

Again, vitamin D is crucial for bone and muscle strength so if you are constantly experiencing chronic pains in the back you are possibly lacking in vitamin D. “Why the back?” you may ask. The spinal cord, which is located in the back, is composed of bones, and if these bones are weak, they can cause the spine to deform and cause backaches.

To get a good amount of vitamin D, practice waking up early and walk under the heat of the sun. Thirty minutes would be enough although you can extend up to an hour as long as it’s not yet ten o’clock when sunlight starts to be harmful for the skin.

If you can’t manage to get enough vitamin D from the sun, make sure you get enough of it from the food you eat. Fish and milk are good sources of vitamin D. It would also be best if you take in some vitamin D supplement to make up for loss especially during winter season.

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