Do I Really Need To Take A Vitamin Supplement?

Our bodies do not make there own vitamins

With a few possible exceptions, our bodies do not manufacture vitamins. When you consider that our bodies do manufacture immune system antibodies and our bodies also manufacture endorfphins which is a made on demand opiate for pain relief and that feeling of well being it would seem reasonable that our bodies would manufacture vitamins.

The human body is known to need at least 13 different vitamins:

Virtually all of the essential vitamins come from sources outside of our bodies These essential vitamins are in familiar groups of A Thru E. Nutritionists have been able to classify what function each vitamin performs. An interesting and well presented discussion of the vitamin classification can be found at:

Where do we get vitamins.

Vitamins are obtained from the foods we eat. The green leafy vegetables contain the most vitamins, although not all. A wide variety of vegetables and fruits are recommended along with some of the meats.

There has been much discussion about our farm lands being depleted of soil nutrients. Chemical fertilizers are widely used and are thought to produce a plant lacking in several necessary vitamins and minerals.

Why do we need supplements?

Our lifestyle and busy schedule often dictate fast food meals either because we are on the run and don’t have time for a well rounded meal or possible too exhausted to fix a meal. Many of us become hooked on some of the fast foods after we eat them on a regular basis. Actually many of use would chose fast foods over a full meal. Fast foods will fill you up. Fast foods provide a very small amount of the vitamins and minerals we need.

Where do we get them?

The natural or organic sections of several of the larger grocery stores are being enlarged to satisfy the growing demand for more nutritious food. We have been able to obtain antibiotic free meats and eggs for several years, Now we are seeing organic grown bananas, tomatoes, peas and beans, etc.. The overall product range is getting larger and larger. Due to the special handling required in growing and marketing these organically grown products the price may seem quite high .In referencing the grocery stores as a place to obtain organically grown fruits and vegetables I didn’t mention the health food stores which are excellent places to obtain organic foods.

The Federal Food and Drug Administration publishes a recommended minimum daily requirements for all essential vitamins .This will give us a guideline even though we have no way of knowing what we get in our food. We need to also take into consideration our fast food lifestyle, our use of alcohol and any medication that may interfere with digesting vitamins.

Vitamins in a liquid form are almost always easier to digest than say in a capsule form. Quality supplements are available from many sources. There are many online sources and it seems grocery stores and drug stores also carry a line of supplements. Not all supplements are quality, that is why I feel more comfortable buying at a well known vitamin supplement store;

Pete Morrison has several interesting and informative articles about health related issues at: Health Helpsite For articles on weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site .

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