Best Vitamin and Mineral

Introduction to best vitamins and Minerals:

Vitamins and minerals are extensively available from the natural foods we eat. Both make people’s bodies work properly

Vitamins can be categorized into fat soluble and water soluble. The best fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K which can be dissolved in fat. They are the best vitamins because the body stores these for growth and development. The best water soluble vitamins are C and B-complex vitamins (such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate) require to dissolve in water before their absorption by the body.

Minerals are inorganic elements that extracts from soil. Plants absorb water and animals eat this water. The best minerals are calcium, iron and iodine since they are required by our body for growing and staying healthy. Other minerals like copper, chromium, and zinc are called trace minerals because in day, we need very small amounts of them.

Best Vitamins for our body:

Vitamins are the essential for good health. The best vitamins are discussed in detail below:

Vitamin A are helpful to develop the tissues of the body as skin and bone which is also used in the body vision, growth, reproduction and nervous system functioning.

Vitamin B is responsible to increase fat, proteins, and carbohydrates production. It assists metabolism, building RBC’s, and maintain the protective which covers nervous system.

Vitamin C is helpful to form cells, tissues, teeth and bones; to heal wounds and to improve the performance of immune system.

Vitamin E has a role to protect the outer cell membranes, thus supporting the immune system to fight diseases. Vitamin K helps the body’s blood clot in the wounded areas.

Best minerals for our body:

There are many minerals which have vast range of functions. Out of these, 20 minerals play a significant role in the body and are therefore considered the best ones

The minerals used in a very trace amount in body can fight off serious illness. These include copper, iron, tin, iodine, chromium, fluorine, vanadium, nickel, zinc, molybdenum, silicon, manganese, and selenium. These are termed as ‘micro minerals’.

Minerals that are used in a huge amount in body are termed as macro minerals. They include potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, calcium, and phosphorus.

Calcium and phosphorus are used in building bones and teeth.

An enzyme uses copper for metabolism.

Zinc is responsible to help metabolize proteins and keeping enzymes functioning. Iodine assists thyroid gland so that it can function properly.

Potassium is useful in muscle contraction, and it maintains the fluid balance of cells. It also helps to transmit messages via the nerves of body, and keep the kidneys and heart working properly.

Conclusion for best vitamins are minerals for our body:

Minerals and vitamins not only assist the function of body, but they work to strengthen each other. Body absorbs iron through the help of Vitamin C. vitamin D helps the body to absorb phosphorus and calcium.

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