Benefits of Vitamin C, What Doesn’t It Do?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is not only an amazing vitamin it is a very busy one. The benefits of C are becoming more and more apparent as more research is being done. Studies have shown when people ingest enough C, the length, severity and symptoms of colds are reduced. There is no man-made drug that can do that.

Vitamin C is needed in the production of many hormones, like epinephrine which is a neurotransmitter also known as adrenaline. C is essential for tissue growth, development and repair, detoxifies harmful chemicals, has lowered cholesterol, helps the body to absorb calcium which aids in bone formation, reduces inflammation, promotes wound healing and tissue repair, and can lower the risk of stroke.

Evidence shows C is a natural antihistamine and immune system stimulant. This is why taking C for colds and flus can reduce complications from developing pneumonia and lung infections. The effect C has on inflamation has been shown to help asthma symptoms by lowering the body’s production of histamine. After understanding all that C does it may be better to wonder what it doesn’t do.

C could be considered our major antioxidant because it is involved in so many conditions believed to be caused by free radicals, such as heart disease, cancer, aging, lung disease, arthritis, and cataracts. C is our water-soluble, meaning it dissolves in water. Since our bodies are 90% water, C is very busy indeed. Before free radicals can penetrate the fragile fatty cell membrane, C finds and destroys them. If the free radicals penetrate the cell membrane, permanent damage can be done to the DNA of the cell which alters future generations and causes the major health issues we see in today’s society.

You can get vitamin C through fresh fruits and vegetables, you will just want to be prepared to eat a lot through out the day. Common fruit and veggie sources include papaya, red bell peppers, tomatoes, hot green chilies, broccoli, cauliflower, oranges and all citrus fruits, strawberries, parsley, kale, mustard greens, spinach, cabbage, cantaloupe, watermelon, winter squash, onions, oregano, garlic and certain raw organ meats such as liver and heart. Keep yourself in good health by incorporating as many of these foods as possible into your everyday diet in fun and unique ways. Most researchers suggest eating these foods along with taking a high-quality vitamin C supplement as a sure way to keep up on your vitamin C.

Taking a vitamin supplement will assure that you are getting all the
benefits of a consistent vitamin C intake. Shaklee
provides the best vitamin C with the most options. Choose from our timed
release viitamin C tablet, chewable vitamin C if you don’t like to swallow
pills, or our iron with vitamin C tablet. I hope this information on the

benefits of vitamin C
and why vitamin C is good for what ails you interesting.
If you would
like more vitamin C information click on this link about

signs of vitamin C deficiencies

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