Are You Getting Enough Vitamin C?

Many claims have been made for the wonders of vitamin C in recent years. The research done by Dr. Linus Pauling promoted taking vitamin C for a variety of ailments from the common cold to cancer. Recently, the focus on antioxidants and health has promoted the benefits of taking vitamin C as a way of combating aging.

Although vitamin supplements are a healthy way to backup your diet, it is possible to overdo your intake of vitamin C. Some side effects can be stomach cramps and nausea. The recommended upper limit for adults is 2000 mg. per day.

The link between diseases like scurvy and vitamin C consumption was first diagnosed in the 19th century. Sailors on long voyages were particularly susceptible because they ate a diet of foods that could be stored for long periods. Rarely found today, the disease was eliminated after they began to include stores of lime juice on sailing ships.

Though scurvy is not common anymore, low levels of vitamin C can still lead to anemia, infections and even bleeding gums.

But how much vitamin C is optimal for the average person is up for debate. In a 1999 study done by the National Institutes of Health it was recommended that the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of vitamin C should be between 100 and 200 mg per day, about double the amount that was previously recommended. If you are a smoker, you should take an additional 35 mg.

Fruits and vegetables are the best way to get the RDA of vitamin C. Tomatoes and red peppers are excellent sources as well as oranges, strawberries and kiwis. The NIH recommends 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day to get vitamin C as well as a multitude of other essential vitamins.

Remember that vitamin C is easily destroyed during cooking and storage. The best way to get the maximum amount per serving is to make sure to consume fruit and vegetables that are fresh and uncooked.

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