What Should I Know About Integrative Medicine?

People all across the nation are looking for alternative options to heal and improve their ailments. Many Phoenix residents are finding solutions outside of traditional medicine. Naturopathic medicine which is a form of integrative medicine is quite popular in Phoenix. The methods used in integrative medicine are a combination of modern medicine and alternative medicine. It is a practice that is being implemented by both conventional and naturopathic medicine practitioners in Phoenix. Physicians who adopt integrative medicine are able to help patients to relieve suffering, reduce stress and manage their overall well-being.

Naturopathic medicine is another term for alternative medicine. Alternative medicine consists of a broad range of approaches, philosophies and therapies that aren’t typically used by conventional doctors. Integrative medicine opens the doorway for conventional doctors to implement both forms of medicine. It places emphasis on patient-doctor relationships, as well as collaboration between practitioners of conventional, alternative and complementary health care.

Another term for naturopathic medicine is complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM (dubbed by the National Institute of Health). According to a study performed by NAH in 2012, 33 percent of American adults were using CAM approaches. It also showed that 11.6 percent of American children between 4 and 17 were using CAM. Natural products were rendered the most popular complementary approach, with 17.7 percent adults and 4.9 percent of children using them.

CAM has gained traction because of its holistic approach. It promotes good health and well-being and places high value in prevention. Each naturopathic patient in Phoenix receives a personalized approach to their health care. These individuals feel that combining methods is superior to using either of the two alone. The most common adopters of CAM have a higher level of education, poor health status and an interest in holistic health, spirituality and personal growth.

In 2005, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommended health profession schools to incorporate information about alternative and complementary medicine in its standard curriculum. This would enable licensed professionals to provide advice to patients about CAM. CAM is growing in popularity amongst patients, but less than 40 percent of the alternative therapies being used by patients are disclosed to physicians. Adverse interactions could prove dangerous for patients if they combine the wrong alternative and conventional treatments. This is why there should be open communication between physicians and patients.

If you’re interested in integrative medicine, schedule a consultation with a naturopathic medicine practitioners at Longevitymedical.com; one of the best naturopathic medicine centers in Phoenix.

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