Personal Finance Plan

Most of people are in finance problems. This is not only due to economic crisis we are living but also due to the habits we have for the money usage. First of all we think that we want to have more money, but in our subconscious we feel that we do not deserve the money. We need to make a personal finance plan that incorporates this factor.

We have been taught that money is evil, that whoever has money beyond his necessities will be tempted to perform bad actions. We also have learned since we were born that getting money is a difficult process that requires a big effort. If you do not put effort to make money, then you do not deserve the money you are getting

The necessity of money is part of our beliefs. We never get money beyond our necessities. We always need more and more. You must agree that you never get enough. If you do agree that means that it is part of your inner beliefs. Do you understand how deep in our mind those beliefs have been carved? I have not seen a personal finance plan that addresses how to attack and change these beliefs.

As we learn new ideas from people that we happen to know we may want to include them in our minds. This is not easy since we need to replace those old ideas in order to make place for the new ideas that need you to change your mind. This is not an easy process and does not occur from one day to the next. Modify our beliefs is a long process that takes time and hard work.

In order to obtain different results we nee to make different things coming from new beliefs. This is not visible but we can think of a situation that illustrates this situation. Imagine that you believe that you can breath under the water. If you do so, then you will dive without any fear. As you know that you can not do that then you will not do it and if somebody tells you that you will not believe it.

As we do not change our inner beliefs then we will continue obtaining the same results regardless the time and work we invest in our projects to make money. We may think that we have been scammed by that people selling methods to make money. Without being conscious we will reinforce our inner idea that making money is a hard process dominated by some anointed persons.

But we are not conscious of this process which takes place inside our brain without letting us understand it. We need to understand that before we decide to get more money, we need to modify our inner beliefs about the money. We need to think that we deserve it. We need to think that the money we have is not proportional to the effort we make. It is proportional to our beliefs. When we make our personal finance plan we need to include this factor.

Dave Martin has blog to show you how to get money fast in several ways. He says you can learn how to get easy money and can show you the way.

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