Sport Relief is a recognized charity that raises money for disadvantaged people around the world. It cares for the underprivileged in the UK and in the world’s poorest countries. This year, it will be focusing on facilitating children living on the streets, including children being made to work in appalling conditions, local UK projects involving those facing poverty, and help and support for those at risk of suffering from malaria.
Carlyle Finance, the fastest growing motor finance organisation in the UK, couldn’t wait to raise money in aid of Sport Relief. With employees from all over the UK and some from around the world, the Carlyle team have all seen or heard of someone who is unfortunate enough to be facing some of these issues. It is extremely upsetting when people have to live on the streets, and in the UK alone, one in five are living in poverty. As if this isn’t enough, it is extremely sad that there are up to three million deaths each year as a result of malaria, the majority being in cases where the children are under the age of three.
After several meetings about what they could do to help raise money, the social committee agreed to run competitions for all employees to get involved in. The competitions were in netball, 5- a- side football and volleyball, giving up their free time, every day for one week. The teams went head to head in a battle for the final, but in the end only one department could come first, and the winning team was the Customer Services Centre. The overall competition was a great success, with the whole of Team Carlyle thoroughly enjoying the experience and feeling proud for being able to give to charity.
During the week, donations were flooding in, from friends and family and from Carlyle’s supporting dealers, who generously donated large sums of money, helping bring the total raised to a massive £2000! The company matched this, making the overall amount £4000!
Carlyle is thrilled with how many people have donated and helped them raise money for Sport Relief. Mark Standish, CEO, said ‘Its great to get our team involved in a fun way that makes a significant contribution to such a great cause. Our total charitable contributions over the last couple of years or so now approaches £100,000, this illustrates just one way in which our team work together to make a positive difference’
All money raised goes towards providing a safe place for those living in poverty and providing them with nutritious meals, as well as educating them. The money will also go towards providing malaria nets, information on how to prevent it and rapid testing kits for assisting those that have been infected.