Small Business Secrets 101 – 6 Critical Secrets For Thriving In 2008

First I have a very endearing story and I personally promise a wealthting small business point to be made afterwards.

I have more than my big toe in the water dad. now what? The curious child replied. Dad being both astonished and proud at the same time – embraced the child dearly. The pair elevated their responses to each other for years after that. To this day in fact. Long after the high school then college football appearances. Fond memories of his son turned father abound and eternal glories rekindle weekly.

Do your small business clients respond to your product or service with as much bonding as that?

The small business mentality of business survival has some serious flaws. Like the Survival word as the eventual Goal. You dove into the small business arena with passion and flair for success. Your dream was so vivid that our family hung up pictures of our dream vacation house at the beach.

Now you are feeling like we are stuck and going nowhere in business. Now the family is running around looking for the next Genie Bottle to rescue them off a small business deserted island – somehow.

Enter Small Business Secrets 101 for 2008.

Small Business Rule 1 – Never assume anything in business. This is a core concept throughout your small business. An example would for your marketing websites and printed media. The 6 figure earners and above are all doing it. What are they doing? The top marketers out there are always testing their clients and prospects responses – to their marketing campaigns.

Small Business Rule 2 – Always prepare more or accomplish more than you think you will need to for a given goal. Lets say you are ramping up for a major product launch. Contact several times as many potential clients as you have projected to need. Contact them 3 or even 4 Months earlier than you think.

Small Business Rule 3 – Do what you love and the Money will follow. Remember that one? Let’s apply it to your business day. What specific areas are You both passionate And Sharp in? Superb – Stay There. Sorry for the tough love. It’s also the finest advice you will ever experience.

Small Business Rule 4 – Outsource what you are not good at. Outsource what isn’t Vital for You Personally to do. All of your daily routine tasks can be accomplished by a virtual assistant. These people are freelancers for hire. The quality of their work varies ñ just like people who show up at an office. Find the right ones that resonate with you. This alone is invaluable.

Small Business Rule 5 – Optimize your existing office staff to manage pools of virtual assistants. Now you have leveraged your existing small business staffing – and kept them. This will preserve the value of loyal office staff and optimize your business too. Offer them compensation on a sliding scale based on workflow accomplished. This gem both keeps the great ones and rockets your business forward.

Small Business Rule 6 – Hire Out what your are not personally Great at. Simple as that. Never scrimp on VIP level quality and persona. Copyrighting is a typical example. The entire process of getting client on board with your small business depends on this. And the overhead of small business marketing still costs the same. When you are clearing $ 1,000,000 a month, a 6 figure marketing budget sounds like a beautiful thing. The first bucks, like the first guts to actually Do something new and potentially challenging ñ are always the toughest.

The Toughest Million Dollars to Make – Will Always be the First One.

That statement is due to Lack of Knowledge. A billionaire’s reflections are that making a million dollars a Day, is not so tough. It’s making one hundred million a day that gets his renegade mindset to the table each day.

For more revealing small business wealth creation and passive income secrets of cash flow, Click on the links in the Resource box below. Glen B. Stewart

Enjoy this Life Transforming Home Business Resource as my Gift to you. – Glen B. Stewart If you know the value of Home Business wealth building – Get daily Home Business Secrets and Work at Home Parent Resources .

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