How To Name A New Business

A business name is almost like the nose on your face. Everyone has one but not all of them are that pretty. LOL The fact is this… if you want to get ahead in the business world, then you need to nail it on a business name because it is how you are branded from then on.

The Search For A Business Name

It took me months of fruitless business name search before I really had any idea what I was doing in regards to naming my new business. I got business name suggestions from everyone I met, but none of them were really good. Hiring a company to get business name suggestions seemed like a silly idea to me at first, but then one of my friends and partners told me to think about it differently. To him, it is an investment, but to me I like to do it myself.

The business name that you choose should not exist in isolation, but as part of an overall strategy. Naming a business is not only where you start as the business’s founder, but also where the consumer starts. Choose the wrong name and your business will falter.

How to Name Your Business With A Brand In Mind

Everyone has an opinion on how to best name a business. Some business experts believe that the name should be abstract, while others believe it should paint a vivid picture of what it does, and others like the “cute” approach in using coined names. Coined names are made-up words. Any name can be made to work, but there are definitely benefits to picking the right name.. I happen to be in the school of thought that likes to paint the vivid picture of what a business does.

Having Difficulty Coming Up With A Business Name?

Brainstorming can be an excellent way to generate good ideas. I like to use the branch method of brainstorming for 10 minutes. Then I go over my ideas and group them. I then take combinations and even partial word combos and see what I can find. Important also to me is whether or not the domain name is available for the business, because I want it to be unique and to be able to have the .com address for my business name.

You can hire a professional service to help you come up with a business name, but I would have to say that most people can develop a good business name if they think about it for a while. So don’t fret, just get busy developing your own business name. It can be so easy a child could come up with it.

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