What Is General Hydroponics Technique?

General hydroponics is a very age old technique. Since thousands of years general hydroponics has been in use. Use of such technique has been seen in ancient times. General hydroponics can be seen in hanging gardens in Babylon, floating gardens in Aztecs, and Egyptian hieroglyphic. Significant development can be seen in this method of agriculture. In these modern times changes can be seen which are benefiting to all.

There have been numerous experiments being done by horticulturists and scientists using various methods of general hydroponics. There is increasing need of this technique in arable parts of the world. Hydroponics was used during Second World War to supply fresh produce that was grown using this method to the troops stationed on the non arable islands of Pacific.

Commercial Success

General Hydroponics has become increasingly popular with commercial growers and they are extensively using it to make fresh produce. Traditional farmers are also attracted to the benefits of using this method.

Due to climatic conditions Israel has been using this method and has also improved a lot in hydroponics technology. Nicaragua has used this technology to produce pepper to export it to different countries as well as US. Arizona is another country where you can find the largest hydroponics. In 2005 this country could produce tomatoes to the tune of 125 million pounds.

Advantages of General Hydroponics

The main advantage of general hydroponics is that it gives high yield when compared to traditional soil based agriculture system. It is very useful in parts of the earth where crops cannot be grown in soil. It eliminates the need of insecticides and pesticides for the crops. Thus it makes the water, air, soil and food healthier and cleaner.

Nutrition requirement

As far as nutrients are concerned, it depends on the plants that are being cultivated and differ considerably. Each plant has its own need during their growing period. Each stage has different nutritional needs which may need various mixtures of products.

General hydroponics needs nutrients that get dissolved in the water and are in the form of organic and ionic substance. Macronutrients that are commonly used are potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate.


Productivity of general hydroponics is high because there is no pest problem and there is constant supply of nutrients to the plants. Growth of the plant is limited due to limited light and low carbon dioxide levels in the air. To increase the yield, CO2 enrichment may be done which involves injecting carbon dioxide in the sealed greenhouses environment Yield may also be increased by adding light to make the day longer.

Do you Do you really want to learn more detailed information on hydroponics systems? Get your own homemade hydroponics installed on your own, its easy and effective. Jump in to learn more.

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