What Are The Various Type Of Grants Available For Women Farmer?

Agriculture contributes economic development of the American economy with women recently contributing around 8.6 per cent of the farming lands in America.

It has been currently researched female are more and more selecting farming as their business but researcher at the National Agricultural Statistics Service note facts reflecting the actuality that 36 %of female farm manage are more than 65 years of age, with around 26 %of female even more than 70 years of age.

According to National Agricultural Statistics Service, female are seen as topper in the fields of dairy farm, and livestock’s particularly following the care of goat or horse farming. They also have made known their aptitude and technique to maintain their little farms.

Even in the agriculture or in farming field which was mostly taken by male, now female are getting open space to expose their farming knowledge. They are getting lot of opportunities to till the plots and glean the lands that are of huge benefit to them.

Several programs are being run either directly or indirectly to help women farmers in various areas of their activities. Several grants are also being announced from time to time basis to help women farmers for e.g. In 2004, CISA got the grant from the federal Risk Management Agency for working with women on the agricultural lands and providing them technical assistance in the different aspects of business planning and marketing.

These programs plan for networking opportunities for women working in agricultural communities and providing them with various tips in marketing.

Unluckily, there are not lots of grant programs for female agriculturalist, as they have to make their own direction through several venture and projects. Lot of these programs is in the mode of loans.

Currently the 2501 program was commenced under the 1987 Agricultural Credit Act to carry enhancement in number of finances that could be prearranged for the female agriculturalist.

In this program was also included privilege for farmers belonging to minority communities. Along with this there was also proposal for the direct technical assistance for the women farmers and other unprivileged people belonging to farming community.

Finding at the enhancing number of female agriculturist on the farming land and the difficulties being faced by them particularly in marketing and sales of their farming products, it is high time government should make all the efforts to commence the grant programs for these women as their progress is the progress of the whole nation.

John Goldman is one of the foremost advisor in matters relating to Government Grants and Financial Aid. To learn more about government grants and how to apply for them visit the Government Grant USA website

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