Is Using Water To Supplement Gas As Fuel For Your Car Advisable?

Have you ever considered one could use water to help run your car? With the help of hydrogen transformation technology, water can be used as a supplement to gasoline. What happens happens to be a form of Hydroxy (HHO) or also called Brown’s gas is extracted from the water and is used as energy. With the advent of an energy crunch, this will help lessen the impact.

While the technology advances, can it be possible for water to replace oil? Some individuals consider it as profitable in the same way as oil, and also that water will be depleted in the same way. Some environmentalists are going to insist that water will be abused like oil is being abused. Though our planet is actually 70% water, only a small percentage of the water can be consumed by humans. Most of the water in the world is ocean water, which shouldn’t be used for agriculture or drinking. Water happens to be being taken advantage of in a similar way as oil.

Quite a few bodies of water are being contaminated by commercial waste. A lot of waterways are drying up resulting in mass starvation in many countries. The burning of non-renewable fuels have prompted a global warming effect which is triggering glaciers to melt. This has also caused drastic changes in the weather causing less rain in some areas while too much rain in others. Water in a good many parts of the world, including the United States, are getting to be too expensive for the average person. Because water can be just as scarce as oil, it may cause more problems than solve.

Employing water as energy comes with its own series of issues similar to gas and oil that is why it is not really encouraged. Since water is essential to life, precautions to ensure its ubiquity is important for everyone. We really do not want the challenge that’s taking place in the oil industry occur with water. Because commodity costs have a tendency to take off at any moment, it would be a bad thing for water. At present, water is a $ 500 billion industry together with, waste treatment, bottled water and agriculture. Simply because water is a human’s essential right, there are attempts to stop the privatization of water.

Everyone in all classes needs to have access to clean water. It is more important to have water for humans than it is for a car. As being human beings, we must take actions to keep our freedoms and not be dictated to by big business.

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