Blending Organic Living and Feng Shui

The modern world of the Western civilization has evolved by the enhancement of medical research for improving the life expectancy of humans as well as improved the quality of experience with the evolution of transportation and telecommunications. However, it has come with its own set of consequences to our progression by involving the influences of including petrochemical byproducts into almost every consumer product available to us, while upholding pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Where then, will be the place to find health and happiness in the world of such wealth as our own undoing? It is simple simplicity itself. That is the answer, we can embrace consumer products with the least acumination of chemically poisonous counterparts. Even if its practice and processing evolved from bringing harmony into our own lives. We can limit the chemicals we introduce into our personal and global environment. We can arrange our lives, while encouraging the allowance of positive energy that flows. The practice of feng shui and certified organic consumer products are excellent aids for achieving this.

Organic Living – Unless you live in a rural area, you would be surprised by the reliance of industrial agriculture upon pesticides and fertilizers to maintain and grow various consumer crops. For instance, just one cotton T-shirt has over one pound of combined chemicals present. During farming and processing, unlimited chemicals which are harmful to us and our environment are diffused back to us daily, while we constantly introduce or absorb them while using or wearing such items.

Certified Organic – Do you have any idea of all the crops that rely on fertilizers and pesticides for maintenance and growth required by industrial agriculture? Take one cotton T-shirt, you are wearing more than a pound of combined chemicals. These harmful chemicals released into our global environment and atmosphere during processing and farming diffuse back to us daily as we introduce and absorb the lot when using and wearing them.

Feng Shui – Feng shui astronomical science, means wind and water and is pronounced fung shway. It is originated as Chinese interpretations, using the divination of I Ching, to consider the findings of the interrelationships between the heavens and mankind. As the practice evolved down through the years, it was influential to particular formulas of placing object throughout ones personal and environmental space in order to influence naturally flowing energy related to vigor, worldly goods and happiness. The channels of naturally flowing energy of the entire body and environment is enhanced by the practice of feng shui.

The simplicity and emphasis on natural materials of practicing feng shui and organic living are similar. Organic living tends to avoid chemical products in lieu of naturals, whereas feng shui pivots on base elements such as wind, water, wood, earth, metal and fire. While shopping choose natural, certified organic materials. They do not transmit toxins and they encourage the flow of chi in your environment.

Organic materials fit right into the feng shui color scheme, with their natural sources of dyes. There are various earthy tones of browns, greens, beige and oranges. Several feng shui applications make use of natural coloring such as pale yellows, browns, greens and beige. This is good assurance when bringing colors into your environment when combining feng shui and organics.

Feng shui emphasizes de-cluttering, while organic living emphasizes reducing personal impact on the environment. Blending these two eliminates all those things you do not need in your home, by either recycling or reusing them, while only purchasing items that are environment friendly and of high quality. Natural, new products unite effortlessly into the chi energy of your home.

You can enhance your life when considering these few ideas, since you can only live one day at a time, however once you have overcome the weariness of traditional living, you will notice a difference in your motivation for saving yourself and the environment with the flowing of positive chi energy. Of course, it is up to you to begin, however, keep in mind that we are here to support you on your new journey

Discover how you can enhance your life by embracing feng shui and an organic lifestyle. Order today feng shui and organic products

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