The Anti-Scam Home Based Business

With so many different scams found on the Internet, people quickly shy away from any business opportunity that makes high promises. Even if the business opportunity sounds legitimate or even if it’s a legitimate home based business offering the opportunity to make lots of money, people often view it with a distrusting eye and may be slow to get involved.

Ensuring that a business is legitimate and sound and able to produce an income are some of the main things that an entrepreneur looks for when seeking the perfect business opportunity.

Most business opportunities that are home based are particularly prone to scams and unscrupulous opportunity providers because of the difficulty that home based business entrepreneurs have in proving a business’ legitimacy. Since most home-based businesses are remote and operated by telecommuters, communication is usually done via email or sometimes through the phone lines.

Very rarely, if ever, are there brick and mortar buildings to double check the legitimacy of a real business. Scam operators know this and use this loophole to seduce would be home business owners. Scam predators count on this challenge to further their objective.

How can you tell if a business opportunity is legitimate or if it is a scam? What are some of the signs that a business is not a legitimate home based business opportunity?

The first thing to look for in determining whether or not a business is legitimate is to examine the claims that are made. Are there promises of instant wealth with very little work? Most likely, a scam follows. A solid business and profitable business takes consistent, dedicated work, usually creating a small income in the beginning and getting larger as more effort is placed into making the business work. And, with a home based business especially, consistency is even more important as the business develops and grows its marketing efforts and establishes a solid customer base.

Another sign of a legitimate home-based business opportunity is the track record of the business in question. Are there other people making money from this opportunity? Are the people in the opportunity long-timer’s or is there a high attrition rate? Determine what, if any, the reason could be if a home based business opportunity has a revolving sign-up sheet. Ensure that the profits of the company are public or accessible. Secure testimonials of previous entrepreneurs who have participated in the business opportunity.

A third determination in assessing a business opportunity’s legitimacy is the investment amount that is required at signup. The reason this is important is because the amount of the investment can be a red flag for a scam. Business investment amounts can be in any amount, low or high, and can be optionally paid in two or three installments. But, the clue to look for here is whether or not the investment amount matches the business opportunity or if it sounds too good to be true.

For example, if a home based business opportunity asks for $ 29.95 as a startup fee, but promises $ 1,000 on your first check, it’s likely to be a too-good-to-be-true opportunity. Likewise, if you’re asked for $ 5000 as an initial investment, but cannot seem to determine what it is exactly that the business does and how it plans to turn a profit, it is likely that the opportunity is not legitimate.

Another red flag is promising large sums of money to be made from one single transaction. While this is a very common, legitimate and plausible practice, companies who don’t offer a solid product but claim to make you wealthy instantly should cause you to think before acting.

A desire to be a home-based business owner and embark on business opportunities is something that a lot of home-based aspirers are seeking. Bottom line is: doing your homework before investing, setting realistic expectations, and determining that the business fits your personality and lifestyle are all part of finding a legitimate home based business opportunity that fits your personality.

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