When planning your trip you may be asked about travel insurance. Do not turn it down simply because you do not know what it does. The insurance will cover any lost financial funds made on non refundable tickets or other trip items as well as medical expenses. Domestic and international travelers will be offered travel insurance.
You can purchase travel insurance to cover the exact duration of your trip during booking or for more extensive coverage purchase a continuous policy from a travel insurance company, travel agent, or travel supplier such as a cruise line or tour operator. The insurance policy offered by travel suppliers tends to be less inclusive than those bought from a travel company so be cautious if purchasing through a travel supplier.
The type of traveler who purchases the insurance will vary from business traveler, student traveler, international traveler and even the adventure traveler. The traveler can create their own options to make their policy unique as well as to reduce cost by excluding certain items for coverage.
Travel insurance covers many things, including medical expenses, emergency evacuations, injury or accidental death, disablement benefits, curtailment, delays in trip time, legal assistance, lost luggage and replacement of emergency essentials, damage, theft or loss of personal items such as money and travel documents, trip cancellations, overseas funeral costs, and also will usually include liability for rental car damages.
The policies vary widely depending on travel insurance company and travel supplier. The policy can be customized to meet the traveler’s needs and price. There are some companies that will offer insurance to cover any additional trip expenses that may arise.
A separate policy can be purchased to cover any high risk or dangerous sports participation such as rock climbing, sky diving, or skiing as well as one to cover any pre-existing medical conditions like asthma or diabetes. Travel to countries that are known for natural disasters, terrorism acts or have a war status will create the need for a separate policy for travel to the high risk country.
Your basic policy will have certain items excluded for coverage that may require a separate policy. Travel to countries with war and terrorism threats, pre existing medical conditions or any injury or illness created by alcohol or drug use is normally excluded from a typical insurance policy. The majority of companies will allow you to buy a separate policy for travel to countries with war and terrorism threats.
The first trimester of pregnancy is normally covered by travel insurance for nay related expenses. Travel during pregnancy may not be covered from trimester to trimester so ask your travel insurance company about their policy.
Travel insurance can be very helpful with services that are operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Emergency travel assistance and concierge service are the two most used services for travel insurance policy holders. You can expect to pay about 5-7% of the total trip cost for the travel insurance policy.